Health benefits are sometimes a better asset to gain back a uplifting and positive lifestyle. Weight loss was just an added benefit and goal she also wished for and desired.
I was so inspired by Kristi’s story that I wanted to share it with everyone. Too many times we look at only the exterior changes and too often forget to mention all the gains from using Prevail functional beverages. All the repair and support our body is needing as a whole to function properly and be enlightened with joy and energy. You will truly be inspired by their story of what the products have done for her and her husband Richard!
Kristi’s Success Story:
“Here it is: our 9 week update…….
I have lost 23 pounds and I have lost 17 inches, but mind you that’s just in my abdomen, waist,and under the breast area. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😍😍😍😍. I have went from a size 13/14 to a size 8. Honestly I thought if I could just ever get back into a size 8, I would have arrived….. but; as easy as Valentus has made my weight loss, I have set myself a new goal…. that being to loose another 10 pounds, 5 inches, and to hit size 7. 😀☕️💯💖👏🏻.
As you recall at 6 week the Dr reduced my blood pressure medication and thyroid medication in half. Well, I am thrilled to announce: On Dec 1, I was taken off my Blood Pressure medication completely 😁❤️️💖👏🏻 and doing so good my specialist released me for 3 months.
I am remaining at excellent readings holding stable. I am thrilled to also say, I have not had a back ache one since starting my coffee. My hormones have balanced out and not a hot flash either. ( no I am not on hormones).
I honestly feel like Isia 40 talks of how God renews our youth. He has used this coffee to do this in our bodies. 💯☕️😇😁
I shall drink myself Healthy-Happy-Skinny.. all while having energy level of a 20 year old and enjoying my coffee.
Richard has lost 27 pounds and inches in his most problem areas.
He had his appointment with his specialist and got his blood work back, and WOW was we in for such AWE moments…..
Here are his Dr Reports:
1. His A1C was 6.4 which is 1/10th of a point away from being considered non diabetic😁💯👏🏻 and the Dr said that their goal of cutting down medication had just changed to the removal of medication. That if he keeps drinking the Coffee ( yes she did recognize the coffee) and remains on his course that next visit Jan 12th he could hit non diabetic and come off medications.
His morning reading ( which u can see in picture was 98).
2. His Liver enzymes were reading as excellent… went from 161 to 25. ( we have actual documentation of these readings). His fatty liver is no more…. his reading were reading as a liver of excellence that had no damage, not bad for a person who a little over a year ago was told they needed a liver transplant. The Trim product attacks the fat around the liver….. thank you Valentus!!!
3. The genetic testing showed there was NO inflammation, R- Arthritis, or Lupus…. which was a miracle because we had been told it was in his finger years ago… this finger we have actually watch the knuckle go down half its size since starting the Coffee.
Richards blood pressure is remaining stable with great readings and to be honest with all these amazing reports from the genetic testing, we totally stopped taking his BP medications.
He too feels like his strength has greatly increased, and he feels 20 years younger. Seriously! We go all day and into the evening and feel great! Accomplishing all our day holds with work and Ministry.
I have found that my most problem areas are shaping up and smoothing out 🤗🤗. All from drinking SlimRoast Coffee. Not working out at the gym.
We have started adding the Immune Drink at night, for the cold season is coming on and we wanted to build up our immune system. But I wanted to share another few things about Immune… It is great for Diabetics… because it helps with blood circulation and helps rejuvenate you while getting a good nights rest. It also fights sickness and infection and is packed with Antioxidants….
These products are so amazing, we truly are a product of the products… we find each week we feel even better, discover another area of our body is being brought forth into greater depths, I want to encourage you to keep going. So much of what is going on in us, is things WE can’t SEE, it’s INTERNAL.. had we ONLY focused on weight and NOT health look at what we could have missed out on.
I say that to say this, like Jesus, these products work from the inside out they know what area needs built, worked upon first, they balance the body, which in turn causes your body to begin to work the way GOD created it to do so. Good things come to THOSE who wait…. don’t cut yourself short…. every single week something great of some kind we are seeing a result to. But it took building up to…. I am a lifer with Valentus I am just going to say… I didn’t loose that much more weight or inches this month, BUT I GAINED HEALTH, I LOST a blood pressure medication….. Richard didn’t loose as much weight or inches BUT he GAINED a HEALTHY LIVER, and becoming DISEASE FREE ( none Diabetic) WOW how much is that worth!!!!!
We are experiencing miracles in our bodies we are living out the Fathers desire of 3rd John 2 just like he said when he brought Valentus into our lives.
It was only 9 weeks ago that I couldn’t function after 1-3 pm. because of crashing due to thyroid and all my hormones being mess and depleted, but today I go go go!!! I feel 20 years younger!!! 😀☕️💯❤️❤️❤️. I am finding portions of me I lost for years beginning to nicely develop again. I want to thank Jesus first of all for giving me a word and prophecy and manifestation of that very word in the handing into my lap this amazing product. That not only is changing mine and Richard’s lives…. But so many others, won’t you start your journey today????
We can’t wait to get up to our precious cup of coffee each morning!☕️☕️☕️☕️😍❤️. I love the smooth flavor, and the instant energy I get! What is even more exciting to me… Is the money were saving even after buying the product. How you ask? Well… We have found we are eating half what we were!!!! Yes I said HALF what we were…. I have never had so many left overs in my icebox!!!
Truth is we didn’t realize how much we were eating until Valentus… WOW… We went out to eat and found we both left half our meal on the plate…. Thank you Jesus and Valentus!!!! We have cut our grocery bill in half which MORE than pays for our monthly product! Oh that’s not all, we have not been eating all those expensive snack foods either! Now add that up! Yes we have 💰money in the bank, ☕️ coffee to drink, and health in our body…..
Richard and I do drink 2 cups coffee a day. He drinks the Trim and we both drink the Immune. We enjoy the energy product when we need that extra boost. We are products of our products!”
I told you her story was incredible!
If you want to learn how he got these amazing results then take the tour and Experience Valentus For Yourself!

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